1 The MNK will be free from the “father of lies.”
2 The Holy Spirit will reveal the truth of the Word of God to the MNK.
3 Many will hear the Truth through the Sila Tilindingo tonight.
4 Many MNK will experience true freedom in Christ.
5 IS, a MNK pastor, as he lives and witnesses in a difficult area.
6 IF & AN, a young MNK couple will seek to know more of God’s Word.
7 MtK, a MNK wife & mother, will realize her need for a savior.
8 BC, a neighbor, will read God’s Word and ask questions.
9 MS, a MNK man married to a believer, will see the difference that Christ makes.
10 Good electricity so that many will be able to hear the Sila Tilindingo.
11 MkS, a neighbor, will desire her children to learn about God’s Word.
12 SD, a MNK pastor, and his family to be bold witnesses in their community.
13 The Holy Spirit will open SB, a seeker’s, heart to the Gospel.
14 DD, also a seeker, will realize the hypocrisy in Is.
15 KD, DD’s uncle, will desire to know the Righteous Way.
16 YD, from BF, will want to know more from God’s Word.
17 The Holy Spirit will prepare hearts as they listen to the Sila Tilindingo.
18 Elders in S to become dissatisfied with Is.
19 AN, a baptized believer, to have good health and continue her witness for Christ.
20 BbC, an MNK nurse, to see the Love of Christ through working with volunteers.
21 SS, a young man and family friend will seek the opportunity to read God’s Word.
22 MK, a baptized believer, will daily seed to grow spiritually.
23 PD, neighbor and head of his household, will seek to know more of God’s Road.
24 Many will hear the Sila Tilindingo and choose the Way of Righteousness.
25 FF, a MNK from the women’s group in BN, will remember stories from God’s Word.
26 The Holy Spirit will begin a Church Planting Movement among the MNK.
27 Good health and strength of women as they work in the rice fields.
28 YM, chief of MK, will give his heart to Christ.
29 NC, from the village BN, will believe that God’s Word is the Truth.
30 Wisdom for the MNK team as they seek new areas to work.
31 Praise God that his Word will be heard through the Sila Tilindingo.

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